Home Class 3 Dealer List Arizona
It’s not Texas, but it’s also no surprise that Arizona is one of the last bastions of NFA firearm freedom left in the US. While other states have imposed many restrictions on who can use NFA firearms and other devices, residents of this Constitution-loving state can purchase and enjoy any NFA items they please. This even includes machine guns, so long as they were bought after a certain date.
Business Name : Silencer Central
State : Arizona (AZ)
Email : customerservice@silencercentral.com
Phone Number :(888) 781-8778
Website : SilencerCentral.com
As a result, there are tons of Class III NFA dealers you can find in Arizona’s borders. Even better, there’s tons of open space in the desert where you and your friends can take any firepower you want to experiment with and shoot to your heart’s content! It’s safe to say Arizona is one of the best dates for NFA firearm lovers, bar none.
We’ve put this handy guide of Class III Arizona dealers together below. You can browse available dealers to find your next NFA firearm or look below for extra guidance and advice if you’re interested in starting your own Class III dealership. Let’s get started.
The National Firearms Act restricts the kinds of firearms people can purchase across the United States. The good news is that in Arizona, you aren’t restricted from owning any type of firearm so long as you pay an extra fee. Here are the NFA firearms you can purchase in Arizona:
An Arizona gun trust is an important instrument to purchase if you plan on buying more than one NFA-regulated firearm or explosive, and especially if you want those guns passed on with your estate.
A gun trust makes it much easier to buy multiple NFA-regulated firearms and ensures that others in your family (or whoever is stipulated in the trust) may be able to purchase them as well, provided they meet other purchasing requirements.
The good news is that you can find an airtight, ready-to-buy Arizona gun trust from most firearm law attorneys. In lots of cases, these attorneys come with gun trust packages that allow instantaneous purchasing and legal document generation. You could potentially put money down and get a legal Arizona gun trust in as little as five minutes.
Since these documents are fairly common among Arizona gun users, there are tons of worthwhile attorneys to check out. Consider speaking to one of your friends to see where they got their gun trust from; you might feel to use their same source.
Because Arizona doesn’t have any regulations on the types of firearms you can buy and own, it’s relatively easy to find Class III firearms for sale in Arizona. You’ll be able to find plenty of top-tier rifles, shotguns and explosives at brick-and-mortar and online vendors depending on your location and preference.
There are positives and negatives to both sides, however. For instance, buying a Class III firearm from a brick-and-mortar retailer will allow you to check out the weapon before signing the paperwork and having to go through the laborious and time-consuming process of a background check. All this is to say that you’ll be able to actually feel the firearm in your hands and make sure you’ll enjoy it before you wait for several months up to a year.
On the flip side, buying a Class III firearm on the Internet is as convenient as things could be. You don’t have to get up from your couch and can place an order for your chosen firearm inappropriate ammunition all in the same digital basket. You’ll still need to go through the same background check and identity verification processes, but this could be a good choice if you aren’t close to any physical retailers. Online retailers will also ship your purchases straight to your door.
Even better, many classy firearm dealers in Arizona will take special orders. In a nutshell, these are orders that will let you customize your firearm to your specifications, especially if you have certain parts from different manufacturers you want to combine in a single build. However, be aware that you’ll have to stop by the physical store in most cases to fill out a special order. This is just because retailers don’t want to put something together that doesn’t actually end up being enjoyed by the customer.
There are almost too many Arizona Class III dealers to count. However, regardless of the dealer you choose, you should keep a few things in mind so you walk out of the store satisfied and don’t get ripped off.
For starters, you should always look to find the right dealer instead of the dealer closest to your home. This involves checking out the quality of service they provide to customers; you may need to look for online reviews to see what dealers are worth your time. You’ll also want to check out the transfer fee is that each dealer might apply to your order.
As an example, in-stock or custom-built items probably won’t incur an FFL fee. However, you will likely have to pay an FFL fee if you’re transferring an NFA item in from out-of-state just to cover the extra cost from the dealer. Not all dealers charge the same amount, so do a little bit of shopping to see who will give you the best dealer.
Regardless of the dealer you choose, remember that you’ll probably have to wait up to a year before your NFA purchase actually shows up at your door or at the vendor location. The ATF simply takes a long time to process the plethora of NFA applications they get every month.
Still, this is good news – it means plenty of Americans are still buying the guns they have a right to use. Plus, you can grab tons of ammunition for your new NFA weapon while you wait!
Instead of buying weapons, maybe you want to make and sell NFA items like machine guns, silencers, or explosive devices. Maybe you want to start your own NFA firearm shop! If that’s the case, you need an Arizona Class III license.
An Arizona Class III or FFL license will let you:
Ultimately, if you want to do any of these activities, you’ll need an Arizona Class III license. FFL123 is the perfect resource for you!
We’ve already helped thousands of Americans get their own FFLs, plus helped thousands more start their Class III weapons business from their own homes. To get you started, we offer comprehensive online FFL guides both for standard licensure acquiring and for SOT licensure. We absolutely guarantee that you’ll be able to get your FFL using our resources or you’ll get a 150% refund.
If you’re ready to get your Class III license, click right here. Our value pack of specialized guides will help you learn exactly what you need for your Arizona FFL and the SOT you need to begin selling your own NFA items.