Home Class 3 Dealer List Nebraska
When you think of Nebraska, do you think Class 3 paradise? Well, in between images of vast wide open spaces for hunting, and well, vast wide open spaces, Nebraska is a veritable cornucopia of NFA goodness. In fact, there are absolutely no limits on the NFA items you can buy and own in Nebraska. That’s right, if it’s got a tax stamp, you can buy it from your local Nebraska Class 3 dealer.
Business Name : Silencer Central
State : Nebraska (NE)
Email : customerservice@silencercentral.com
Phone Number :(888) 781-8778
Website : SilencerCentral.com
Now, we’ve made a list of every single Nebraska Class 3 dealer there is in the state, so go ahead and jump to that if you want to find a dealer near you to buy a silencer or other goodie from. But keep reading if you want to not only understand why Nebraska is a great Class 3 state, but how you can get in on a booming market for NFA devices!
Like many plains states, Nebraska has a tradition of freedom loving people settling and building freedom loving communities and doing freedom loving things. In this case, that means not giving a darn about regulating guns more than the rude Feds already are. So if it’s an NFA device and you can scare up the cash, you can own in in Nebraska.
Of course, if you show up with a live Sherman tank, your significant other might have words with you, until you let them drive it. But the fact you can buy a live tank, or just a silencer from a Nebraska Class 3 dealer tells you everything you need to know about just how awesome Nebraska is for Class 3 devices.
One of the most popular NFA items a Nebraska Class 3 dealer can sell you is a silencer. In fact silencers, are the most popular NFA in the entire nation, and that’s because 42 states let you own them, and you can hunt in 40 of them with a silencer. Because Nebraska is fabled deer country, it is absolutely no surprise that polite hunters who don’t want to disturb folks around them, are rushing to add silencers to their guns.
Any Nebraska Class 3 dealer can get you a silencer, and probably even have a few in stock. Be prepared for the fact that NFA wait times can take up to a year, so the silencer purchase you make now will be ready in about a year to use. But that gives you plenty of time to do other things. Like watch paint dry, or to find an honest politician!
Anything. Literally anything. Pre May 1986 machine guns? Heck yeah. Short barrel shotguns or rifles? Lay your money down and buy it! Any and everything that winds up on the NFA can be purchased through a Nebraska Class 3 dealer who can get it in for you, so just ask! Heck, some can even manufacture what you want if it can’t be purchased through normal channels. What a great time to be alive!
It All Starts With a Form…
Now this is the uncool part of the whole process. Paperwork, tax stamps and waiting periods are decidedly not American, but that’s never stopped the government from trampling on our civil right like a herd of buffalo stampeding across the prairie. However, it is what it is, and we can’t do anything about it right now. (Yell at your Congresscritter. They deserve yelling at on principle, and especially about gun rights).
So first you find what you want to buy. That’s the fun part! The not so fun part is filling out an ATF Form 4 and waiting.
And waiting. NFA wait times suck. But that’s ok, we all have to deal with them. But that’s the whole thing.
Pretty simple isn’t it?
Not only is Idaho an NFA paradise, but the market for guns and NFA devices is well umm booming in Idaho and the rest of the US.
Not only that, but talks of national gun control are starting up again.
Do you want to future proof your gun collection?
Do you want to protect your guns from future gun bans?
Do you want a piece of the huge market for guns and NFA items?
Of course you do!
FFL123 has spent nearly 20 years helping people just like you get the FFL and SOT they want and deserve! We’ve guided tens of thousands of your fellow Americans through the rigorous and confusing process of getting an FFL and SOT, and can do the same for you.
FFL holders have unique advantages during times of gun bans, as they still have to be able to process and receive guns for government agencies and police departments, which means FFL inventories are essentially exempt from gun bans. Many Americans have discovered that a home based FFL not only is a good source of side income, but a way to protect their own guns from future bans and confiscations.
Let us help you get your FFL today. The best time to get an FFL was yesterday, but if you act right now, you can still get in on this huge growth industry and protect your guns at the same time. Click here and let’s get you started on the path to your own FFL and SOT!