Home Class 3 Dealer List Nevada
Nevada is possibly the best place to have a Class 3 license other than maybe Texas. Anyway though, machine guns and silencers are freaking awesome, and if you have the cash, a Nevada Class 3 dealer can get them for you. Or maybe you can just rent some. Take that California!
Business Name : Silencer Central
State : Nevada (NV)
Email : customerservice@silencercentral.com
Phone Number :(888) 781-8778
Website : SilencerCentral.com
Do you want to know who your closest Nevada Class 3 dealer is? Then keep reading. Do you want to know more about owning NFA items in Nevada, or how to become a Nevada Class 3 dealer or what any of that means? Well, keep reading too. We’ll show you how to buy, sell and even build machine guns, silencers, or heavy field artillery and tanks. Because America is awesome, and Nevada is too!
So to start off, the term “Class 3 dealer” is somewhat nonsensical. It isn’t based on any legal meaning and has become a sort of folklore shorthand for “somebody who deals with NFA items.” Because an 03 SOT is needed to sell NFA items, the slang term “Class 3” and “Class 3 dealer” sprang up somewhere in the dim mists of the past to serve as a vaguely useful shorthand for NFA dealers. However, like “clip for “magazine” and “bullet” for a fully loaded round, “Class 3 dealer” is largely inaccurate and made up term. But since we know what people are talking about when they use it, and frankly because that’s what internet search terms are optimized for, we’re just going to roll with it.
So in that sense, a Nevada Class 3 Dealer is where you go to get all the cool toys. You see, with the right FFL and SOT combo it is possible to own literally any regulated weapon in the US, and to even sell most of them to the general public as long as they have the cash and there are not state laws against them.
You read that right. Got the cash? Hey, that 105mm howitzer looks pretty sweet doesn’t it? Got the room to play? How about a tank with a live main gun? Want something more down to earth? Well, a silencer is really nice for hearing protection, safety and being polite on the shooting range. Pre May 1986 machine gun? Noooo problem. If you can afford it, and get a tax stamp for it, your Nevada Class 3 Dealer can legally sell it to you. Pretty sweet huh?
The ATF has several types of NFA guns and devices that can be legally owned when you jump through the hoops. Nevada allows ownership of the following legally acquired NFA devices:
So let’s say you’ve got a few hundred bucks for that silencer you’ve always wanted. Or you have more money from your Vegas casino empire than you know what to do with and you want to fill your ranch with tanks and artillery. Great! This is America and this is exactly what we do. We buy the biggest, baddest and best guns we can afford, because we can. It’s a fact that every time you buy an NFA device, a baby bald eagle is born.
So first you find a Nevada Class 3 Dealer. In fact, that’s stupid easy, because we have a list of all the Nevada Class 3 Dealers at the bottom of this article. You can even just jump right to them if you want right now.
Now it is important to note that Nevada does not bad the possession of any NFA device. None. At. All. Because again, America. Heck yeah. So that means the only limits are what your dealer can order you and you can afford. Not all dealers will carry or order the same inventory. Because that’s capitalism and that’s also awesome.
If you want really exotic stuff, you’ll have to shop around. If you want to walk in, order a silencer, a sawed off shotgun and an AR-15 with a short barrel, well that will be a lot easier. However, no matter what you are buying, the process is the same.
Now this is the uncool part of the whole process. Paperwork, tax stamps and waiting periods are decidedly not American, but that’s never stopped the government from trampling on our civil right like a herd of buffalo stampeding across the prairie. However, it is what it is, and we can’t do anything about it right now. (Yell at your Congresscritter. They deserve yelling at on principle, and especially about gun rights).
So first you find what you want to buy. That’s the fun part! The not so fun part is filling out an ATF Form 4 and waiting.
And waiting. NFA wait times suck. But that’s ok, we all have to deal with them. But that’s the whole thing.
Pretty simple isn’t it?
Buying your NFA item from a Nevada Class 3 Dealer is easy! You’ll need to do some homework and shopping first of course. Depending on what you want, some dealers may not stock it, or you may have to have it ordered in. Some Nevada class 3 dealers are also manufacturers so it’s possible what you want can simply be made to order.
Either way, no matter if you are transferring an NFA item from a private party or out of state, or buying an existing or custom built NFA item, finding the right dealer might be tricky.
Check around for the quality of service and transfer fees that suit you best. For in stock or custom built items, you probably won’t have to pay any sort of FFL fee. If you are transferring an NFA item though, expect to pay a fee to the FFL for their time and trouble. This varies from dealer to dealer, so shop around.
Usually if they are ordering an NFA item like a silencer from a manufacturer for you, there aren’t fees, as they are able to mark their wholesale cost up to give a fair profit that covers the cost of doing business and their time.
Expect to not see your NFA item for up to a year after you buy it from a Nevada Class 3 dealer. That’s because the ATF takes a very long time to process NFA applications. But that’s ok, it gives you more time to get ammo for it!
Not only is Nevada an NFA paradise, but the market for guns and NFA devices is well umm booming in Nevada and the rest of the US.
Not only that, but talks of national gun control are starting up again.
Do you want to future proof your gun collection?
Do you want to protect your guns from future gun bans?
Do you want a piece of the huge market for guns and NFA items?
Of course you do!
FFL123 has spent nearly 20 years helping people just like you get the FFL and SOT they want and deserve! We’ve guided tens of thousands of your fellow Americans through the rigorous and confusing process of getting an FFL and SOT, and can do the same for you.
FFL holders have unique advantages during times of gun bans, as they still have to be able to process and receive guns for government agencies and police departments, which means FFL inventories are essentially exempt from gun bans. Many Americans have discovered that a home based FFL not only is a good source of side income, but a way to protect their own guns from future bans and confiscations.
Let us help you get your FFL today. The best time to get an FFL was yesterday, but if you act right now, you can still get in on this huge growth industry and protect your guns at the same time. Click here and let’s get you started on the path to your own FFL and SOT!